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A Minoma - mindful nomads  meditation session with digital nomads and hostess Maris Kohv - Ready to embark on your mindful nomad journey?
Minoma Mindful Nomads - Your Gateway as a digital nomad to Remote Work Retreats & Festivals

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Minoma-Mindful Nomads logo

mindful nomads


The most curated community for mindful nomads and impact entrepreneurs.

MINOMA - Mindful Nomads is a lifestyle movement where inner work and collective power meet to bridge the gap between mindfulness, entrepreneurship and co-creation.

Towards aligned freedom.

6 years, 35 retreats, 5/5 reviews

What we offer                 

Coming soon

Our partners:

Minoma Mindful Nomads. Logo depicting a community of mindful nomads, digital nomads & remote workers seeking mindfulness.
“MINOMA is helping remote workers and digital nomads find purpose and community via mindfulness and travel”

- Chase Warrington, (Abrout Abroad) 

Upcoming experiences

Minoma - Mindful Nomads Festival 2023, Agafay desert, Marrakech, Morocco

4 days | November 09-12, 2023 | 

Agafay desert, Marrakech, Morocco

 A community of digital nomads together, sharing their experiences & socializing in a striking, natural landscape in dessert.

4 days | November 07-10, 2024 | 

Agafay desert, Marrakech, Morocco

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4 days | September 26-29, 2024 



3 weeks | Nov 10 - Dec 01, 2024 

Taghazout, Morocco

Collective resonance

We are in the midst of a global energetic shift - a move towards more meaningful work and intentional living through self-discovery and location independence.


Our inner work has shown us that we are powerful on our own, but that power can be elevated exponentially when we surround ourselves with deeply aligned like-minded people.

Alignment is in the DNA of our community

The 6 values that we connect upon

Logo symbolizing support and connection within a community. We value deeply meaningful connections at Minoma.


We are actively creating a community culture where we can individually expand on all aspects of life and collectively support each other - through awareness. We value deeply meaningful connections and have the tendency to dive deep into conversations that don't lack profound insights, to say the least.  “Quality over quantity” 


Minoma Mindful Nomads - Growth Logo. Cultivate purpose, community, and personal growth as a remote worker or digital nomad.


Within the freedom lifestyle growth is inevitable - we make sure our path is aligned with our truest values - by unlearning the behavior and thought patterns that we didn’t consciously choose. 

We believe that if there isn't flow, ease and excitement in most of our days as a creator of our lives we are not living up to our fullest potential and are meant to do something bigger. 


Minoma Mindful Nomads - Mindfulness Logo. We embrace mindful living as digital nomads, cultivating self-awareness.


The quality of our life comes down to the quality of our consciousness in every single moment. We remind each other of the power of presence often and do our best to meet each other where we are at. These are the (un)spoken rules that define the quality of connections within our community.   


Minoma Mindful Nomads - Yoga Mat Logo. Unroll your mat and find inner peace with yoga and wellness activities.


As heart-centered entrepreneurs (/freedom seekers) we know how important it is for us to honor our fullest potential by creating more balance in our lives. We believe in making time for the integration of all the excitement, new ideas and goals we have by slowing down and connecting to our bodies.


Minoma Mindful Nomads Logo - Heart. We prioritize well-being and personal growth.


Our definition of living authentically: getting to know ourselves and doing more of what we truly love. We believe that being deeply in touch with our emotions and expressing them freely is what allows us all to drop all masks, protection walls and discover parts of ourselves that we have lost along the way. We dance, laugh, stop to appreciate the sunset - unapologetically.    


Minoma Mindful Nomads - Laptop Logo. We empower digital nomads to work remotely and grow collaboratively in co-working spaces


More specifically: aligned freedom. We deeply appreciate the opportunities the location independent lifestyle provides and use it to create more space for experiencing meaningful moments in the most inspiring locations.


THIS is what makes MINOMA unique in the nomadic community - the undeniable resonance of our members' values.

You will feel that deep sense of connection from day one when we come together to support each other on our immersive experiences.

Silvia, Purpose Coach

I have been in 2 retreats in a row because when I finished the first one I was already missing it so much that I jumped into the second one. It's an AMAZING experience for everyone who wants to get out of their comfort zone, meet new inspiring people, get into deep talks and experience great workshops. This community is exactly what I needed! 
Silvia is a Purpose Coach who says Minoma Retreats are amazing experiences for digital and minful nomads.

Silvia, Purpose Coach

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Intentional lifestyle design

The freedom we seek isn't just location independence.

It's aligned freedom.

Based on the past 4 years of guiding like-minded nomads and entrepreneurs through transformations we have created a framework.

Anchor 1

The MINOMA framework

Slowing down


Letting go










It’s a tested way - a path that is paved by self-discovery and elevated by the emotional states we feel in a supportive group experience. An experience that creates a shift - closer to our most authentic selves. Closer to trust, clarity and inner peace. From that space we can make more aligned, empowered and inspired decisions within this lifestyle of endless possibilities.

Why do people trust us?

Our energy-first approach


We are extremely intentional around the energy we bring together and have spent 200+ hours personally connecting with every single person who joins our experiences.


Being part of the community


In the past 4 years, our team has been immersed in the nomad community in different parts of the globe and understands the location-independent lifestyle to its core.


Years of experience


We know that the key to creating empowering and safe containers is not only in careful curation and intentional programming but in holding space and deep presence.

The Minoma-Mindful Nomads logo. Minoma for digital nomads seeking a more meaningful and enriching remote work experience.

Our partners:

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Nomadico logo
DNK logo
 Selina logo - A travel community and find the perfect combination of travel, work, adventure, wellness, and more.
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